Kuala Lumpur | 1 March 2023

UCSI Poll Research Centre recently conducted poll research on financial stress among Malaysian adults. We define financial stress as an anxiety-driven stress resulting from a financial perspective. The respondents were asked 10 questions to assess their level of financial stress. The results are shown in the table below.

Out of the 1,315 respondents, 36% have fearful thoughts about  their financial future and 37.7% feels that money is the “scapegoat”— the reason they give themselves for not living the life they want.

The results showed that housewives and those in the age group of 41-50 are more prone to financial stress. About one-third of those in the high-income group responded as ‘always’ for all  10 questions.

Based on the overall scores, out of the 1,315 respondents, 1,139 (86.6%)  are dealing with financial stress. Out of  these 1,139 respondents, for 28% financial stress is a major factor affecting their wellbeing and 10% are in financial crisis.

The total respondents of the survey are 1,315 respondents, 9% retired, 12% housewives, 17% unemployed and 62% working adults with 6% earning more than RM10,959 monthly, 36% earning between RM4,850 to RM10,959 and 58% earning less than RM4,849.


About UCSI Poll Research Centre The UCSI Poll Research Centre (UCSI-PRC) is a public opinion research company owned by the UCSI Group. Its main objective is to utilise original and scientific research methodologies to investigate and analyse public opinions and attitudes.